Race Information

Race starts at 8:00 AM (no race day registration)



Marine Corp League

450 Grant Street

Chambersburg, PA 17201 (DIRECTIONS)


Online registration is open and will close on Friday, August 9 at 8pm.

Past Results ‘17-’19 (CLICK HERE)


Until July 4th -$25 registration fee / $25 for optional LONG SLEEVE shirt.

July 5-21 -$30 registration fee and $25 for optional shirt.

July 22-August 11 8pm -$30 registration fee and no preordered shirts available. Limited shirts available on race day for $25.



5 Mile keyhole (out/loop/back) course.

2024 T-shirt

coming soon!!!

Colors are different each year.


Top 3 Overall Male & Female -$150, $125, $100 and Pottery

Top 3 Masters Male & Female -$100, $75, 50 and Pottery

Top 3 Marines (either gender) -Pottery

Top 3 Age Group Male & Female (top 2 for 80+) -Pottery

  • Age 14 & under

  • Age 15-19

  • Age 20-24

  • Age 25-29

  • Age 30-34

  • Age 35-39

  • Age 40-44

  • Age 45-49

  • Age 50-54

  • Age 55-59

  • Age 60-64

  • Age 65-69

  • Age 70-79

  • Age 80+ (top 2)

Timing for this race will be provided by Timber Hill Timing.

Everyone will start together with a gun/whistle/siren/"GO".

The finish will be chip timed. Your time and place will be taken automatically from your timing chip.

Your finish time will be calculated from the starting gun and your chip finish time to give your gun time.
All awards will be determined by gun time meaning the first person across the finish line is the winner.